Street Space

What We Do

We are the Digital Engineering Innovation Financing company.

In todays global fragile landscape, India’s strong willingness and state capacities to act versatility in geopolitics and ability to implement reform in long period of time.


India has undergone a significant transformation in last decade to elevate India to new growth and development.


Possibility to brighter future has become apparent  to average voter, Indians have become more aspirational are holding their leaders more accountable and  changing the way they vote.


Because of this the future governments will be under pressure to deliver and this will catalyze significant Changes.


The Government performance itself had to change with more accountable administrations and leadership by closely tracking their performance. Incl.

Monetization and Contract Engagement Incl.

New Knowledge Interpretation Deep-tech Launchpad Solutions

Product Innovation Roadmaps, Venture Incubation Strategy ( Teams, Collab & Leadership)

Tech Equity Performance Contractors

We collaborate with well established industrial and Institutional Enterprises to innovate themselves with fallowing services, solutions and platforms incl. as fallows.

We always like to reach our potentials with a instrumented purchase plan, rather than a work order by


Industrial Products Technology Platform


Processing Instruments As Product